Thursday, December 5, 2013

Knowledge is POWER !

Okay, so recently I purchased these two books that sparked my interest. One titled "Jesus is _______" by Judah Smith & the other is titled "Finding your way" by Tommy Tenney (Both Christian Books!). I just started reading them and I am really intrigued! One of the quotes that really stood out to me in "Jesus is _____" was “Don't allow the opinions of other people to shape your concept of him. Get to know him yourself, and let the goodness of God change you from the inside out.” That really stuck out to me! Before I finally seeked out God for myself, RELIGION was placed over my mind. I really thought that God was this BORING, DULLFUN SUCKER! But, that's truly NOT him!  But with "Finding your way" it's simply a GPS of getting your life to where you want it to be. Also, its helps you balance your funds, your emotions & your spiritual lifestyle. They are GREAT READS so far! Any Questions or comments, don't be afraid to ask/tell me !

Sorry For The Wait !

Howdy Folks! It has been a while since you have seen this face. My apologies! I've been swamped with college papers, work, exams & etc. but I'm making it my business/ duty to bring you guys new stuff! Since my last blog, I've traveled & ofcourse SHOPPED! I recently traveled to New York to visit my family, I also thrifted & shopped until I couldn't shop anymore! In the next couple of days, I will gather ALL of my purchases and upload them on my blog! See you soon !

Monday, September 16, 2013

Plain Jane

Bad Hair Day? Be about that "Turban Life"! I love styling my turbans to just simple outfits that I put together, especially when I don't feel like doing my hair! Very simple to do & yet so fashionable. 
Styling Hint: Adding a turban to your style can be very versatile! You can dress it up or even dress it down! Add it to your favorite jeans or even a maxi dress.

Turban Close Up & Make Up

Side Note: If you guys are interested in how I do my make up, I can do tutorials for how I do it. Just leave a comment asking & your wish is my command.
Sunday Swag

My Sunday Attire: Throwback ! For Church, I decided to throw on some high waist shorts & an oversized button down men's shirt. You're probably asking yourself, "Is this what she really wore to Church?" YES! My Church truly believes in "Come as you are" & plus the whole old "Religion" thing is getting played out. Wearing stockings, heels, skirts, two piece suits, Grandma hats are slowly, but surely DECEASING!

My Look :
Hat: Poshmark (Obey)
Shirt: Bealls
Oversized Shirt: Local Thrift Store
High Waist Shorts: Local Thrift Store
Shoes: Poshmark (Converse)
Watch: Poshmark (Michael Kors)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Make Up

Hello Dolls. I thought I would show you guys my Make Up skills.  ♥ 

First of all, LETS GET THIS CLEAR! It is not a crime to fill in your eyebrows !!! Continuing, I used a regular dark brown eye pencil for my eyebrows. Ps. Dark Brown makes the brows look more natural. After filling my brow, I highlighted my brow with a Revlon concealer. Then I started with the Gold shadow at the inner part of my eyelid, then transitioned to a bronze color for the middle of my lid, then to finish it up with a black on the outside of my lid to give it a smokey look. 
Any Questions, feel free to ask !

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello Bloggers

Hello Blogger World! My name is Mica. I am a Plus size babe, expressing who I am. Also, trying to show others that my stretch marks are a road map to Heaven. Enjoy Dolls.